Travel Advisory: Terminal Hours of Operations - Read More

Passengers Business Foreign Trade Zone
57° 6:24AM (MDT)
Tuesday, Oct. 22 - 6:24AM (MDT)
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Before Travel

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower

El Paso International Airport is proud to partner with the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Network to assist passengers with disabilities that are not immediately visible.

Under the Hidden Disability Sunflower program, people with disabilities can choose to wear a lanyard bearing a sunflower logo as a subtle way of letting others know that they may require additional support, assistance, or a bit more time during their trip.

El Paso International Airport partners and staff have been trained to identify the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower, gain a deeper understanding of hidden disabilities, and learn how to approach and support customers with a hidden disability.

To help raise awareness about this customer service program, the El Paso International Airport will make lanyards available free of charge to passengers with an upcoming flight. Travelers interested in receiving lanyards can pick one up in person at the information desk located in the Visit El Paso Gift Shop or by calling the operator at a courtesy phone.  If you would like one mailed to you in advance of a trip please send an email to [email protected] with your mailing address. Lanyards will be made available while supplies last.

Personalized cards can be ordered through the Hidden Disabilities store.

Find out more about the Sunflower by visiting

Personalized cards can be ordered through the Hidden Disabilities website


El Paso International Airport

El Paso International Airport El Paso International Airport Land Development Forign Trade Zone